Non Regulatory press releases
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik has received its largest order to date, valued at 500 MSEK – further strengthening its position as a strategic partner in railway infrastructure
Nordisk Bergteknik has received its largest individual assignment to date, acting as a strategic subcontractor to Infrakraft for a project along the section between Hallsberg and Stenkumla – the final part of the Swedish Transport Administration’s double-track expansion between Hallsberg and Degerön. The contract, valued at approximately 500 MSEK, will commence in the fourth quarter of 2025 and is expected to be completed in 2028. The project is an execution contract with the Swedish Transport Administration, Trafikverket, as the end customer.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik receives underground rockwork project in Finland valued at 50 MSEK
Nordisk Bergteknik has received a contract to carry out rockwork in connection with the construction of an underground facility in Finland. The project, valued at 50 MSEK, is expected to be completed in 2025.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik has been commissioned to reinforce the foundation of Gävle Theatre.
Nordisk Bergteknik has been commissioned to reinforce the foundation of the historic Gävle Theatre, a landmark of significant cultural and historical value The project, which is a turnkey contract, includes both design and execution. The order value amounts to just over SEK 20 million.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik receives project in Norway with order value of SEK 170 million
Nordisk Bergteknik has recieved a contract for concrete renovation of a quay area in Bogen in Ofoten, Nordland county. The customer is the Norwegian Ministry of Defence. The contract value amounts to SEK 170 million, and the work is planned to be carried out during 2025 and 2026, starting at the end of the first quarter of 2025.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik receives project in Moss, Norway, with an order value of SEK 40 million
Nordisk Bergteknik has received a contract for services including blasting, injection, and rock reinforcement in preparation for the construction of a railway tunnel in Moss, Norway. The project will commence in the spring of 2025 and conclude within the same year. The order value amounts to SEK 40 million.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik receives new business and sees increased activity in foundation solutions
After the sharp general downturn in house construction and related local infrastructure during last year, Nordisk Bergteknik sees increased activity in foundation solutions again. It mainly regards previously postponed projects that are now starting. The order value for three recently won projects, which run during the winter season, amounts to around SEK 140 million. Furthermore, there is a clear increase in market activity regarding tenders and inquiries also regarding larger new projects, not least in the Stockholm area.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik extends framework agreement within the service area mining and prospect drilling
Nordisk Bergteknik has, through a subsidiary, extended the existing framework agreement with the mining company Boliden regarding production drilling in open pits. The value of the project is expected to amount to SEK 500 million over the term of the agreement and is reported continuously within the Rock Sweden segment.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik signs several new orders related to wind farm projects worth about SEK 140 million
Nordisk Bergteknik, through subsidiaries, has signed agreements regarding ground preparations and infrastructure in connection with the construction of wind farms in northern Sweden, to a total value of about SEK 140 million. The projects align with Nordisk Bergteknik's ambition to play an active role in the green transition. The work is mainly scheduled to take place during 2024 and will enter a more intensive phase during the snow-free and warmer period of the year.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseThe Nomination Committee proposes new board member in Nordisk Bergteknik
The Nomination Committee of Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) proposes the election of Monika Gutén as new board member at the Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2024.
Non Regulatory, PressreleaseNordisk Bergteknik wins its single largest assignment in Norway to date – signs an agreement with Implenia Norge regarding the Fornebubanen worth SEK 90 million
Nordisk Bergteknik, via its subsidiary Songdalen Fjellsprenging, has signed a new major agreement in Norway regarding the construction of the penultimate stage of the Fornebubanen, named K2D. Net sales for Nordisk Bergteknik regarding this specific project is estimated to be in the order of SEK 90 million. The main contractor and counterpart is Implenia Norge.