About Nordisk Bergteknik

Nordisk Bergteknik is a strategic partner in selected niches in the market for construction and contracting services in the infrastructure, mining, and construction industries.

The Group, which is northern Europe’s largest player offering a comprehensive set of services within rock handling and foundation solutions, manages 19 operational companies with strong positions and brands in the regional market around Sweden, Norway, and Finland. The operating companies that are part of the group operate independently, but collaborate in, among other things, monitoring and control, purchasing, resource allocation and sustainability aspects with the aim of realizing synergies and increasing scalability.

Nordisk Bergteknik operates in a market with stable underlying growth, driven by a large proportion of long-term public investments. The Group’s customers are mainly private companies, which in turn handle comprehensive societal infrastructure projects for governments and municipalities. Nordisk Bergteknik is familiar with all kinds of environments and works with both smaller assignments as well as medium to large-sized projects, where the Group often acts among several other partners.

The group has around 1,200 employees and operates in two business areas: rock handling and foundation solutions, which in turn are reported in the three financial segments Foundation Sweden, as well as Rock Sweden and Rock Norway.

Our history

Nordisk Bergteknik's journey already began when Wolgan Karlsson went as an apprentice with his father in the 1960s. Look below at some important years and events from our history.

  1. Norrbottens Bergteknik’s founder Wolgan Karlsson was taught as a drilling & blasting apprentice by his father.

    Berg efter losshållning
  2. Vestfold Fjellboring is founded in Norwegian Sandefjord by Odd Andersen. Later taken over by the Røed family from 1988.

  3. Rock handling is developed with the social expansion of hydropower as a driving factor. The technology goes from hand-held machines to drill rigs and more companies are established in the industry.

    Drilling with drilling rig carried out by Fjellsprenger - illustration for timeline 1970
  4. The business (Norrbottens Bergteknik) has a turnover of approximately 5 MSEK

    Sebastian Näslund and Robin at Norrbottens Bergteknik work manually with scrapping work. The image is used as an illustration on the timeline page year 1991.
  5. Current CEO Andreas Christoffersson takes over as CEO of Norrbottens Bergteknik.

  6. Nordisk Bergteknik is formed and Pegroco Invest enters.

  7. Vestfold Fjellboring and Norsk Fjellsprengning are acquired.

    Arbete innan losshållning
  8. Songdalen Fjellsprenging and Fjellsprenger are acquired.

    Songdalen Fjellsprenging Norway
  9. Nordisk Bergteknik issues corporate bonds of SEK 400 million, which are listed on the Nasdaq First North Bond Market. Pålab, Hyrcon, Bohus Bergsprängning and others are acquired, and the Group becomes northern Europe's largest player in foundation solutions and rock handling.

    Ludvig Eliasson drilling rig operator at Norrbottens Bergteknik. Picture is also used as an illustration for the 2019 timeline and the Financial targets page.
  10. The company's bond is delisted from Nasdaq First North Bond Market and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Bond Market. Visinor AS and Prospekteringsteknik i Norrland are acquired. The Group's net sales exceed SEK 1 billion.

    Protek Norr
  11. The company's B-share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Early redemption of outstanding corporate bonds takes place, and a new financing agreement is entered into with Nordea and Swedbank.

  12. Gjerden Fjellsikring, Grundia, S Blomquist and BGS Svensson are acquired. The number of employees in the group amounts to over 800.

  13. Torbjörn Sundh Entreprenad, Bröderna Anderssons Grus and others are acquired. Nordisk Bergteknik also completes its biggest acquisition ever, Rovalin and Soil Mixing Group. A letter of intent regarding acquisition of Power Mining is entered, Nordisk Bergteknik's first acquisition in Finland.

  14. The group's turnover exceeds SEK 3 billion. The number of employees is over 1 000.

    Nordisk Grunnteknikk
  15. Several foundation solutions subsidiaries are merged to form Nordisk Grundteknik.


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Current distribution of operations

Foundation Sweden
Rock Sweden
Rock Norway

Our companies

Nordisk Bergteknik's companies offers a comprehensive offer in rock handling and foundation solutions.

Our sustainability work

We employ a long-term for a sustainable society. It is about both the internal and external environment as well as social responsibility.


Through our reports and presentations, you can read about the current results of our business.
Read our reports