Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q4: Nordisk Bergteknik is well prepared for the market’s rise
October – December 2024 Net sales increased by 1% and amounted to SEK 897 (888) million Organic growth amounted to 2 (-15) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 33 (31) million with a margin of 3.7 (3.5) % Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 173 (195) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.04 (0.11) January – December 2024 Net sales decreased by 6% and amounted to SEK 3,305 (3,526) million Organic growth amounted to -7 (-4) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 122 (173) million with a margin of 3.7…
Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q3: A competitive offer in a market with large demand over time
July – September 2024 Net sales decreased by 3% and amounted to SEK 799 (820) million Organic growth amounted to -2 (-15) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 16 (17) million with a margin of 2.1 (2.1) % Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 63 (-98) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.01 (-0.40) - Our financial performance has not been satisfactory since the third quarter of last year. We note continued low market activity in several of our areas, not least in new housing construction and its surrounding effects…
Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q2: We see a number of signs that the worst is now behind us
April – June 2024 Net sales decreased by 5% and amounted to SEK 858 (907) million Organic growth amounted to -6 (-10) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 48 (74) million with a margin of 5.6 (8.2) % Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 35 (101) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.47 (0.72) - Rock Sweden continues to perform well, but the low new housing construction negatively impacts the Foundation Sweden segment. In Norway, we experienced a weaker market than expected in the second quarter, which, along with Foundation…
Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q1: Strong development within Rock Sweden and positive effects of cost adaptions
January – March 2024 Net sales decreased by 18% and amounted to SEK 751 (912) million Organic growth amounted to -21 (21) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 24 (51) million with a margin of 3.2 (5.6) % Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 51 (93) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.26 (0.29) - The very low activity in housing construction and its surrounding effects continue to negatively impact on the group's financial performance, particularly our revenue. However, ongoing, and initiated activities to restructure and consolidate both Rock Norway…
Report, RegulatoryNordisk Bergteknik publishes Annual Report for 2023
Nordisk Bergteknik has today published Annual and Sustainability report for 2023 at its website. The Annual Report is available at The Swedish version of the Annual Report is also available in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF). Nordisk Bergteknik has chosen not to print or distribute a hard copy of its Annual Report. Those who are unable to access the Annual Report digitally can request a print-out of the Annual Report by contacting This is information that Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted, through the…
Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q4: Strong cash flow and activities to adapt the operations to the current market climate and improved profitability
October – December 2023 Net sales decreased by 9% and amounted to SEK 888 (973) million Organic growth amounted to -15 (20) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 31 (79) million with a margin of 3.5 (8.1) % Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 195 (196) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.11 (0.98) January – December 2023 Net sales increased with 4% and amounted to SEK 3,526 (3,402) million Organic growth amounted to -4 (25) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 173 (244) million with a margin of 4.9…
Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q3: Intensified measures to improve profitability and take advantage of business opportunities in a weaker market climate
July – September 2023 Net sales decreased by 7 % and amounted to SEK 820 (885) million Organic growth amounted to -15 (29) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 17 (69) million with a margin of 2.1 (7.8) % Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK -98 (69) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.40 (0.74) - We can conclude that the activity in housing construction remained at a very low level during the third quarter which has also resulted in delays in projects related to local infrastructure, such as new…
Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q2: Strong cash flow and advanced positions in the mining industry
April – June 2023 Net sales were in line with previous year and amounted to SEK 907 (911) million Organic growth amounted to -10 (25) % Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 71 (74) million with a margin of 7.8 (8.2) % Cash flow from operating activities increased to SEK 101 (-9) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.72 (0.78) "The second quarter has been marked by continued strong general demand for our infrastructure services, while the decline in construction of new housing has had a negative impact. Net sales for the second…
Report, RegulatoryInterim report Q1: Profitable growth and strong cash conversion
January – March 2023 Net sales increased with 44 % and amounted to SEK 912 (632) million Organic growth increased with 21 (29) % Adjusted EBIT increased with 56 % and amounted to SEK 34 (22) million with a margin of 3.7 (3.5) % Cash flow from operating activities increased to SEK 93 (12) million Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution increased to SEK 0.29 (0.19) "Nordisk Bergteknik delivered continued profitable growth during the first quarter of the year, which is seasonally our weakest as project activity is lower. Net sales increased with 44 %, of…
Report, RegulatoryNordisk Bergteknik publishes Annual Report for 2022
Nordisk Bergteknik has today published Annual and Sustainability report for 2022 at its website. The Annual report is available at The Swedish version of the Annual Report is also available in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF). Nordisk Bergteknik has chosen not to print or distribute a hard copy of its Annual Report. Those who are unable to access the Annual Report digitally can request a print-out of the Annual Report by contacting This is information that Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted, through the…