Regulatory press releases

Change in number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ)

The number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) (”Nordisk Bergteknik”) has increased during February as a result of new share issue of 879,507 class B shares which was a part of the purchase prices for the acquisitions of Torbjörn Sundh Entreprenad AB och Bröderna Anderssons Grus AB. The newly issued shares have been issued pursuant to the authorization given to the board of directors in Nordisk Bergteknik by the Annual Shareholder’s meeting held on 29 June 2021. Subsequent to the new share issue, the total number of shares in Nordisk Bergteknik was, as of the final day…
Report, Regulatory

Interim report Q4: A strong quarter ends a successful year

October – December 2021 Net sales increased with 69 % and amounted to SEK 587 (348) million. Organic growth amounted to 16 (25) %. Adjusted EBIT increased to SEK 45 (8) million with a margin of 7.7 (2.4) %. Profit for the period amounted to SEK 9 (1) million. Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.16 (0.10). The company’s B shares were listed during the quarter on Nasdaq Stockholm. In connection with the listing, a new share issue of SEK 528 million before transaction costs was made as well as an early redemption…

Change in number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ)

The number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) (”Nordisk Bergteknik”) has increased during December as a result of the new share issue of 825,982 class B shares which was a part of the purchase price for the acquisition of BGS Svensson AB. The newly issued shares have been issued pursuant to the authorization given to the board of directors in Nordisk Bergteknik by the Annual Shareholder’s meeting held on 29 June 2021. Subsequent to the new share issue, the total number of shares in Nordisk Bergteknik was, as of the final day of trading in December 2021,…

Nomination Committee appointed for the 2022 Annual General Meeting in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ)

According to the Instruction and Rules of Procedure for the Nomination Committee, the committee must consist of four members, whereof three members appointed by the three largest shareholders in terms of voting rights as of the last banking day in September each year, and the Chairman of the Board. “The three largest shareholders by number of votes” also refers to known shareholder groups. The Nomination Committee for the 2022 Annual General Meeting comprises of: Oscar Rolfsson (appointed by Pegroco Invest AB and Bergteknik Norr Holding AB) Jerker Lindstén (appointed by Jovian Invest AB) Christian Berg (appointed by N P Förvaltnings…

Nordisk Bergteknik acquires Torbjörn Sundh Entreprenad – broadens offering and strengthens market position in Norrland

Nordisk Bergteknik has today entered into an agreement regarding the acquisition of all shares in Torbjörn Sundh Entreprenad, an experienced machine contractor based in Umeå. Through the acquisition, Nordisk Bergteknik broadens the extent of its offering and continues to strengthen its position and presence in Norrland.

Change in number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ)

The number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) (”Nordisk Bergteknik”) has changed consequent upon the redemption of 44,000,000 class A shares during November which means that all class A shares in Nordisk Bergteknik have been redeemed. Redemption was made in accordance with the terms of the Articles of Association and the decision was made by the Board of Directors on 16 November 2021. Subsequent to the redemption, the total number of shares in Nordisk Bergteknik was, as of the final day of trading in November 2021, 53,239,222 and the total number of votes was 53,239,222 of which…

Nordisk Bergteknik acquires BGS Svensson – further strengthens the offering and market position in region Västra Götaland

Nordisk Bergteknik has today signed an agreement regarding the acquisition of all shares in BGS Svensson AB, an established foundation solutions company based in Kungshamn. Through the acquisition, Nordisk Bergteknik continues to strengthen its offering and presence in region Västra Götaland, with the ambition to serve as a strategic partner in selected niches in the market for construction and contracting services within infrastructure.
Report, Regulatory

Interim report Q3: Continued strong organic growth and increased financial flexibility

July – September 2021 Net sales increased with 119 % and amounted to SEK 506 (231) million. Organic growth amounted to 23 (37) %. Adjusted EBIT increased with 55 % to SEK 35 (23) million with a margin of 7.0 (9.8) %. Profit for the period amounted to SEK 14 (10) million. Earnings per share for the period before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.42 (0.51). After the end of the period, the company’s B shares were listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. In connection with the listing, a new share issue of SEK 500 million was made as well as…

Nordisk Bergteknik announces reduction of share capital through redemption of all class A shares in the company

Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) (”Nordisk Bergteknik” or the ”Company”) has decided to reduce the share capital through the redemption of all 44,000,000 class A shares in the Company in accordance with the terms of the Articles of Association. In accordance with what was previously communicated in the prospectus prepared in connection with the listing of Nordisk Bergteknik's class B share being admitted to trading on Nasdaq Stockholm, the Board of Directors intended to make a decision on the redemption of all A shares in the Company before the end of the first quarter of 2022, which has now been decided…

Change in number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ)

The number of shares and votes in Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) (”Nordisk Bergteknik”) has changed consequent upon the issue of 22,265,384 new class B shares in October in connection with the listing of Nordisk Bergteknik’s class B share on Nasdaq Stockholm. The newly issued shares have been issued pursuant to the authorization given to the board of directors in Nordisk Bergteknik by the Annual Shareholder’s meeting held on 29 June 2021. Subsequent to the new share issue, the total number of shares in Nordisk Bergteknik was, as of the final day of trading in October 2021, 97,239,222 and the total…
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